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Intrusive Media: An Essay by Mandeep Rai

TMZ leaked Bill Cosby's new mugshot today which begs the question: was this really necessary? Why does the media feel the need to make this public when really it is not in the public's best interest for it to be made public? Of course I understand that the prison needs to update mugshots regularly, but there was no need to this to be made public at this moment.
As always, once the story was leaked all other news outlets ran with it and the story has since intensified. It's caught traction on social media and quickly starting trending on Twitter and Facebook.
It is impossible in todays day and age for a story, especially regarding a celebrity, to not go viral when there is "drama" involved. It is completely unfair and I think, a miscarriage of justice. When this happens, the celebrity (Cosby in this case) and their family is then forced to go through a second trial - a trial of public opinion. Bill Cosby has spent time in prison and went through the public trial when he was convicted. He is serving his time, so why must he now be a victim to this ridicule by the media?
The media is incredibly intrusive, not just for celebrities, but for any story that is deemed to be "newsworthy". The media will do anything that will get them views/get papers sold/get them more engagement on posts. People fail to realise that these are real people's lives at risk and that there is a wider impact when information/stories/pictures are leaked. Do the families of the alleged perpetrator not matter? Don't they become victims and targets when news that really isn't news is leaked? How is that fair for the family and friends to have to go through that? Just because it is not something that is reported about, does not mean that it is really something that they go through.
People by nature are nosey and love to talk and gossip about other people, but remember karma is a real thing. Until you have to go through it, you may not realise but always put yourself in someone else's position. If your dad, ex-husband etc was convicted for something regardless of whether he was guilty or not, would you be happy if it was played out in the media? Would you be happy for your family and friends to know and always think they were talking behind your back and judging you? Just next time think before you spread this news, before you retweet or share that post. By doing this, we fuel the fire with the media and make them think it is ok to leak information with the pretence that it is in the public's interest when really it isn't.
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